The Trilogy solution maintains key production information dates, keeping all parties informed of their necessary roles and responsibilities, enhancing the overall production process.

The scheduling functionality is highly configurable and includes alerts where events change, and maintains both the original and the changed schedule history.

For more details, please phone Alex Dare in the UK office on +44(0)1242 222132 or email

For North America please phone Dennis Butler at 1-888-269-0535 or email or visit



Improve Visibility

Everyone in the organisation can work from the same up-to-date data, eliminating misunderstanding and duplication of work.

Accurately Costed Jobs

Mailing houses can realise cost savings through more efficient raw materials handling and can gain greater financial control of the production process, estimating actual versus estimated costs and identifying over budget items.

Enhance your Production

Integrated scheduling provides visibility, company wide, for the whole production process.

Reduce Errors

Reduces errors in distributed information including marketing and publicity information, descriptive data, payment records, actual costs and delivery dates.