Title Management covers Contributor Management, Editorial, Product, Production Costing/Scheduling, Rights and Royalties functionality and manages the development of a book from concept to production.

You can control acquisitions, author contracts, rights and royalties from a single database.

For more details, please phone Alex Dare in the UK office on +44(0)1242 222132 or email alex_dare@trilogygroup.com

For North America please phone Dennis Butler at 1-888-269-0535 or email dennis.butler@pubtechconsulting.com or visit trilogynorthamerica.com




Click here to view our Title Manager Overview.pdf

Click here to view the Publishing Road Map 2020.pdf


Increase Sales Potential

More effective rights management nables publishers to fully capitalize on their inventory of rights, increasing sales potential.


Reduce Operating Expenses

Effective rights and royalties management reduces operating expenses by improving cash flow forecasts, advances tracking and earnings amortization.


Accurate Reporting for Authors

The Rights and Royalties module meets authors’ needs by providing accurate and timely royalties reporting together with flexible payment and statement options.


Manage Data Effectively

Centralize control through the ability to store and manage all data such as author background information, available jackets with their copy, blurbs and reviews about the title.



Maintain consistency of data to ONIX standards reducing re-keying and reformatting of data.